Flywheel Propeller

Flywheel Propeller


I saw Tom Stanton's video and I thought it would be fun to simply launch the flywheel propellers into the sky. I noticed that the prop design wasn't the most efficient and so I set off to make my own. Attached are two examples: -both have aerofoil shaped blades -they are 150mm in diameter (original was 125mm) -I've added a 3.3mm hole to through the center so the props can be balanced after printing. -The tri-blade prop has less aggressive pitch at the tip of the blade (like real propellers). Both the 4 bladed and 3 bladed designs have been tried and tested now. I haven’t had any explode on the launcher yet but they do spontaneously deconstruct if they hit things on the way up. So far the longest flight time I’ve measured was a little over 20 seconds. As Tom said : "Disclaimer: The strength of the propeller may depend on printing quality and material, therefore hold full responsibility for your actions whilst using this. Always stand behind the launcher and keep a distance."







3D Printing