Ender 3 Dual-Screen Mount Modified For $80 Display

Ender 3 Dual-Screen Mount Modified For $80 Display


The original recommended display from the source part was no longer available (And you can see me complaining about this in the comments of the original part), so I went on Amazon and made a guess as to which replacement it was. Unfortunately I'm not too good at this guessing thing. All the ports were in a different spot, and the speakers, buttons and LED status lights all got in the way and the display wouldn't even come close to fitting. So I went into Tinkercad shifted around the holes and divots of the original dual-screen mount to accommodate the display I bought: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L6WT77H/ This isn't an affiliate link, and cheaper options are available. But they might not fit the original or this redesign.



