MPOW Bluetooth Adapter Repair Kit

MPOW Bluetooth Adapter Repair Kit


The bumper around my MPOW Bluetooth adapter broke and the buttons fell out. I designed new buttons and an optional bumper. The buttons are printed in PLA, but any material should work. The buttons can be installed without the bumper. The bumper should be printed in a flexible like TPU. I initially tried gluing it to the case with hot glue, but I found that super glue worked better. I would recommend installing it slowly starting with the hole around the headphone jack. Glue one section at a time and use clamps or a vice to let the glue set properly. I left a little slack in the design that will have to be trimmed off with a razor blade. Take your time installing the bumper. I got a little hasty and got some glue on the case. I was able to remove it with acetone, but it wiped off the MPOW logo. Pictures show a before during and after. Here's a link to the original device I purchased:






