Eyeglass Case - Magnetic Latch - Dual Extruder Mix
From the original designer: "Any combination of the two files can be used to make a case; the only difference is the design on the bottom.The file prints well with no supports ( I really would not use supports on the patterned area). I did a color change at Z = 1mm to make the pattern stand out, printed with the patterned side flat on the bed. Looks a bit better and hinges are stronger at a finer layer height. I did 4 perimeters for strength and plenty of top and bottom layers, so there really isn't any hatched infill on the part." I really liked this design, but wanted an easier way to have it multi-colored. One color prints up to 0.8mm and rather than having to watch and switch filaments, the second extruder kicks in at that height.