Simple Airsoft Foregrip (pre-Adjustable)

Simple Airsoft Foregrip (pre-Adjustable)


Simple customizable/adjustable airsoft foregrip for picatinny rails. One problem I have with my Airsoft replicas is the picatinny rails may not be up to standard or made with any kind of precision. If I were to print a foregrip with fixed dimensions, it may fight very tightly on one set of rails but have a very loose fit on another. Most foregrips I have seen have some way of making them adjustable in order to deal with this, tightening a screw to secure a side panel or such. But since this is a 3d printed foregrip, the idea is to adjust it to a particular rail beforehand, then print it, ensuring a secure and tight fight while keeping the design very simple and minimalistic. Use the file "pt rail foregrip try a.skp" as a minimal test version of the foregrip in order to get the measurements right to a particular rail. Once you are able to get a tight fit with this model, then adjust the measurements to the same using the file "pt rail foregrip h.skp". If you want a straighter design and prefer to add the curves and mounting hole yourself, or make other changes first, use "pt rail foregrip f.skp" instead. The mount pin that can be inserted to hold the foregrip in place on the rail is "mount pin 2-625 x 30mm b.stl", if you need to adjust the diameter to get a secure fit the file "mount pin 2-625 x 30mm b.skp" is also included. Optimal print orientation is already set for all designs. If printed in this orientation, no supports are necessary. Use at least 2 perimeters (0.8mm) and 4 solid upper and lower layers (0.8mm at 0.20 layer height). I recommend PETG filament over PLA as that can survive the heat and elements that one may experience on the field of play. The same simple foregrip design is used on some of the crossbows I have designed, though the mounting system for these is different. 04/11/2020: Added an OpenSCAD file: pt_rail_all_parts_v4.scad which is a bit simpler than sketchup and also a bit more versatile. To use this, program, open it in the OpenSCAD editor. Find the line that begins with "item = " early in the program and set it to 0 to get the test print. You can modify the parameters of the rail by adjusting the variables at the beginning of the program that start with "ptr". Once the test print fits, change item to 1, 2, 3, or 4 to get different foregrip designs like a simple straight foregrip, simple angled foregrip, or triangular foregrip similar to the one in sketchup. Each of these designs have parameters of their own that can be modified, or you can even design your own with the modules provided, or make your own modules.



