Sony PS-2700 Turntable thrust bearing

Sony PS-2700 Turntable thrust bearing


Sony PS-2700 Turntable thrust bearing. I couldn't find much information on the type of turntable thrust bearing. I found these helpful forum links on the internet. And this... I would hazard a guess that many more Record turntables would use this system. I basically made several shims or spacers that slide into the tube. The height of the bearing should be between 3 & 4 mm above the snap ring that's located at the bottom of the bearing. I made the shims 1 mm thick and used 4 of them stacked on top of each other. I reused the silicone rubber bung along with a 3d printed bearing cap that is friction fitted over the bottom of the bearing. This bearing should be installed after the bottom cover is put back in. Place.. Otherwise the bottom cover's hole can be enlarged. I did not find this necessary though. I used ABS plastic for the parts. I think in reality a nylon type material is used. Here is a Google search link to some commercial ones.... Something hard wearing should be used as the sacrificial part so as to prolong the bearing. I note the spindle itself has a small tip which transfers the load to the sacrificial part. Given time the 3d printed bearing will need to be replaced. Lubrication needs to be applied to the contact surfaces of the bearing. Lubrication with low sulfide grease is recommended to reduce the corrosion on the brass parts of the bearing.







3D Printing