Hybrid Pusher For Nerf Stryfe

Hybrid Pusher For Nerf Stryfe


A hybrid pusher to fire both half-length darts and full lengths from the same blaster! All other designs i found or bought either were too unreliable or weren't compatible with the OFP anti-jam lid. Print at 1% scale Credit to Jackskidding for the pusher dimensions. 19.2.20- Added V2 with shortened half dart pusher for improved reliability. Removed V1 as it became obsolete. 19.2.20- Added V3 with slightly shorter half dart pusher and more shaped pusher profile. 20.2.20- Added V4 with further shaped pusher, dart 'flanges' and a larger screw hole for ease of installation 20.2.20- Added V5 which further improved on the design ideas of V4 and V5 higher tension, which is a more robust design but as of now untested. 23.2.20- Added V6 High Tension which is the most reliable pusher yet due to its improved pusher design. Tested V5 high tension. It's as reliable as V5 but more robust. Versions TL;DR V3 has been tested and performs well, with some jams with worn darts, hence V4 and V5, but is as good as the 2D pusher profile allows. A simple, quick print. Use V6 for more reliable results, however note that it is a slightly more complex print and very slightly more fragile than V3. I am not responsible for any damage done to the blaster, darts, or anything else.







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