Ender 3 Y-axis Flexi cam mount

Ender 3 Y-axis Flexi cam mount


Tinkered the Ender 3 Pro Y-rail mount to fit on a normal Ender 3 Y-rail. Then tinkered the 2020 ball-joint knob on it. Use it together with the rest of the Ender3 Flexi PiCam Mount by eatthistim (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4041117 ) to mount the rest of the snapping cones and camera mount. In the picture, the mount works, however i am still fiddling with my final cam . 3 versions: - ONE : print on its side with supports and you get one full mount and balljoint - base / knob: print the mount on its side and the balljoint standing up. mount with an m3 bolt.; support needed inside the mount - base_NoSupport / knob : mount on its side and knob standing up. the holes for the cable are moved, so you can probably print this without support.



