PrintABlok Source
PrintABlok are interlocking building toys created by the 3D Printing Professor, designed to work well on home 3D Printers. PrintABloks can be built in all 6 directions, allowing for gravity defying building unlike any other building block out there. BASIC SKILLS Turn a connector piece so it will fit into the hole in a blok, and press it in with another blok until they click together. It should hold fast until you give it a little pull to separate them. You may occasionally need tools (like needle nosed pliers) to pull the connectors out of the bloks. ACCESSORIES You can make accessories for your PrintABloks using the included negative shapes to cut cavities out of the holes of objects. However, if you'd like a high-quality library of accessories parts compatible with PrintABloks, including articulating bloks, mosaic bloks, and mech parts, go to If you catch this before March 2020, you'l be taken to the PrintABlok kickstarter where you can contribute the development of more official PrintABlok accessories and parts. REVISED VERSION NOTES 12 March 2020 a new version of the connector negative and a revised base block was updated. This new connector hole includes several small changes to increase printability on all machines and making use easier. There were no changes to the connector so backwards compatibility was maintained. 25 August 2021 A re-revised connector negative and re-revised base block was again updated. This, again, increased printability while maintaining backwards compatibility. Legacy files were zipped up and included for historical reasons, but it is highly suggested you just ignore those.