Dynavap Induction Heater

Dynavap Induction Heater


This is my take on a dynavap induction heater. the parts list below cost a total of around 35-40$ to build your own working IH. The glass tube for the induction heater needs to be bought in a quantity of 3 so i bought one 14-18mm for the induction heater and two 10mm-14mm to fit the dynavap into any 14mm device. You will also need to purchase extra wire, I just went to my local hardware store and got a couple of feet of 20 awg wire for a couple bucks. Screws are random 3mm screws i had laying around. I did solder the coil to the heater and the one wire into the mosfet but it was pretty simple. I do not think that it will fit inside of this enclosure if you do not solder. there is also a cork in the bottom of the glass to stop the dynavap at a certain height. Wiring the IH: Refer to this picture from jojo04201 on Reddit https://i.imgur.com/SZZqDiJ.jpg Plug Vin+ into the + terminal on the kastar plug and Vin- into the - terminal on the plug out+ goes to the + terminal on the induction heater and - goes to - where the wire color is as follows NO- blue NC - Yellow (Just cut this one) C- Green (+) - Red (-) - black Parts List: Kastar Power 6a power supply: https://www.amazon.com/Kastar-Adapter-5-52-5mm-Wireless-Security/dp/B003TUMDWG/ref=sr_1_3?crid=MAUU5ZB42IAP&keywords=12v+6a+power+supply&qid=1582153137&sprefix=12v6a+power+supply%2Caps%2C715&sr=8-3 Induction Heater: https://www.banggood.com/Geekcreit-5V-12V-ZVS-Induction-Heating-Power-Supply-Module-With-Coil-p-1015637.html?rmmds=search Mosfet (This is the one i got but you can buy any): https://www.ebay.com/itm/5pcs-15A-400W-MOS-FET-Trigger-Switch-Drive-Module-PWM-Regulator-Control-Panel/133030502499?epid=17030820124&hash=item1ef93c6063:g:8TAAAOSwp7tbTEND Momentary Button: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Momentary-Push-Button-Switch-12V-Stainless-Steel-LED-Self-reset-AngelEye-Led/164024202286?var=463646189259&hash=item26309ab42e:g:KpkAAOSwsxFd8KMQ Glass tube: https://www.dhgate.com/product/3-size-glass-converter-adapters-female-10mm/391962423.html#s1-1-1;searl|2696658884:2





