Running Cleats, Ice Grips
Running Cleats, Ice Grips Feed back would be great if you try these, looking to make something everyone can use for safety during winter runs and walks, without tons of bulk, I've added the Solidworks file if you would like to remix please add as remix so everyone can link to it easier. Thx If you have insight that might make it a better print or better for use PM me so I can update model. **USE CAUTION ON ICE AND SLIPPERY SURFACES, THIS INTENDED TO HELP, NOT PROMISED TO WORK IN ALL CONDITIONS** Materials Needed: Screw: (most local hardware store will have these) 1/2" webbing + connectors buckles as you see fit Simple strap on pad for the bottom of your shoe (intended to be printed in urethane for flex, but may work in other materials) Adding a touch of Super Glue to hole will help screw stick during runs, Screw poke through a little to keep pad from sliding, please note this may eat you sole a little with use, Use older shoes. As shoes have progressed from rubber soles to FOAMY materials grip on slippery surfaces have gone down and my old trick of using sheet metal screws doesn't work any more they just pull out. I've been looking for another alternative. This allows me to add screws to bottom of my shoe again for ICY/SNOWY CONDITIONS.