Jurassic Park Pinball East Dock sign for Data East

Jurassic Park Pinball East Dock sign for Data East


Customise your pinball machine with this replica Jurassic Park 'East Dock' sign! Suitable for the 1993 Data East Jurassic Park pinball machine, this mod secures to the existing plastics bolt at the back right corner of the machine (next to the East Dock flasher of course). **The project is still a WIP until I've finalised exact distances between bolt hole and centre of playfield plastics for the base. The final version of this will include one stl of all shapes together and then as individuals as well.** You may be able to find somewhere to put it in the 2016 Stern JP but I don't have access to one to test. Please leave a comment if you made one for your Stern JP or let me know if I need to make a different kind of base.



