WPL C24 Honcho Roll Bar

WPL C24 Honcho Roll Bar


Hi guys, If Thingiverse is as slow for you as it is for me, consider looking for your 3D parts at Cults 3D: https://cults3d.com/en/users/WrenchToDrive/creations Update: Added V2 of the electronics tray. I believe I had not tried V1 with the 2spd transmission because when I put my truck back together after fixing the trans I noticed that the transmission tunnel on the tray was a bit small and I had to do a bit of grinding to get a nicer fit (The old one fits with the stock C24 trans). I haven't printed this version but it will be better (if not perfect). This is a simple mod for your WPL C24 truck to turn it into a Honcho style rig for cheap. By all means, buy the C14 too, but if you just want to make yours a little different, here you go. Check out the video intro on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5BFTJZsBse8 Feel free to post some feedback, good or bad. Like and subscribe if you want to see more free stuff. You'll need some M2 screws (approx 8mm) to put together the cage, or you can try gluing it. The tire rack is a little wimpy at the moment. The clamps don't grab very well so I'm going to glue it if I decide to use it long term. I made it more to add some rigidity to the back bars, but it does work. Trim off the post if you just want to use it as a brace. I made the mounts for the electronics box as separate parts to make printing easy but I included a version of the box with all mounts attached and just the roll bar mounts attached so you can print whichever you want. The chassis mounts can be screwed or glued to the tray, just use the slots to line them up. The hinges for the box cover probably need to be massaged with a file. As always, use at your own risk. Wrench to drive or drive to wrench?







R/C Vehicles