Pocket Grapple- a Toy Mechanical Claw Grappling Hook

Pocket Grapple- a Toy Mechanical Claw Grappling Hook


Detailed assembly instructions on Instructables.com here: https://bit.ly/2VcbggR 'Pocket Grapple' is a tiny grappling hook that grabs stuff! It's a key chain sized mechanical claw & retrieval hook that is both useful and fun! It has 3 configurations: *Gravity- Suspend it from a cable and when it touches a surface gravity & leverage push the jaws open. Lifting the device then closes the jaws around your prize. The claw hooks are designed so that the weight of the object will not reopen the claw so it stays in! *Triggered- Adding a rubber band and the triangular shaped trigger allows you to actively snap onto objects where the gravity-grip-leverage alone wouldn't be enough. See video where we were able to use it to grab the edge of a mason far! *Grappling Hook- Grabbing onto the cross bar piece converts the claw into a magnetic 4 prong hook to give you even more retrieval options! It is meant for retrieving hard to reach stuff like when you drop a tool behind the tool chest or sock behind the dryer! But even more so its a novel toy. 100% of kids I surveyed aged 9+/-3 yrs L.O.V.E. this thing! :) **Shopping list: 1X Badge Reel: https://amzn.to/2vDJ0t3 Key Ring + Key Chain: https://amzn.to/39Cyq46 Tiny Rubber bands- https://amzn.to/2HsF4Ol 3X Short screws - (3mm dia x 9.5mm long) https://amzn.to/2wkYylD 1x Long screw - (3mm dia x 15mm long) https://amzn.to/31YWH1G 1x 8mm x 3mm Neodium Magnet- https://amzn.to/2P0J0Kj Alternately: Remaining inventory of Assembled Pocket Grapples on my store. https://etsy.me/3c0FERi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4KIUqN8NEs&feature=emb_logo



