LM8LUU Removal Tool Full 60mm

LM8LUU Removal Tool Full 60mm


Plonk was useful, the removal tool a very good idea. I accept a longer printing time for a full removal tool. The tip is 25mm long - fits a 24mm LM8UU linear bearing, the midsection is 60mm long to remove a 45mm LM8LUU linear bearing from a 60mm X-Mount of an Anet A8. Thanks to ikarsian for the idea! I am using the free Version of DesignSpark Mechanical 4.0 and add the .rsdoc for easy remixing (if someone need this) I add a "LowPoly" Version to get a Preview in Thingiverse. It is using 4° steps for a cricle, the normal version use 1.5° for a perfect round design.



