Thermometer Clip for Digitemp 7-Level Strip
This is a bit niche, but I've done it, so I'll share. It's a very simple support clip specifically for a Digitemp 7-Level LCD colour change thermometer self-adhesive strip, to specifically fit the shelf in an Electriq EDFD04 food dehydrator (that I use to dry reels of 3d filament [what else would one use it for!]). This gives a second opinion with regard to the temperature, to backup the dehydrator's display and ensure sufficient heat to dry filament but not too high that we start to anneal. Printed face down on my glass build plate, there's a nice shiny surface for the adhesive strip to stick to, which is springy (only two layers of filament) and bends sufficiently for the clips at either end to just slip into the holes of the shelf grille of the dehydrator, and spring back to hold in place. It will work either way up - either as a stand or as a hanger (I'm using as a hanger into the hottest part of the dehydrator at the base - see photo). You'll need these to use with the clip !.. Electriq Food Dehydrator EDFD04 (If you chop out the grill in every other tray, this holds 3 reels of filament, even the wider Ooznest reels). (direct link Digitemp 7-Level Thermometer Strip (30°C to 60°C). Other temperature ranges are available. (direct link Having done this, and compared to a cooking thermometer for meat, I've found that the dehydrator and the LCD thermometer are in good agreement, certainly within the range of temperature (~5°C) from the bottom tray to the top tray in the dehydrator. The green strips in the photo of the dehydrator are insulating tape that I've added to help align and disalign (if that's a word!) the trays when stacking and unstacking, to load and unload filament reels.