Mercurian Jammer

Mercurian Jammer


This is a 140mm quadcopter frame with 3" props. It's designed to hold the Runcam Hybrid or other split cam, AIO Zeus FC with a stack mounted 20mm analog video transmitter. There are versions designed for FrSky R-XSR, Crossfire Nano with whip, and with Immortal T. The stack is soft mounted on TPU. IMPORTANT: In order to fit an HD camera board in the frame you will either have to use an insanely slammed stack, or an HGLRC Zeus. I designed it for a stack mounted VTX, but you could mount a small vtx on top of the FC or in between the FC and Esc. There are various stack mounting heights using different height dampers and spacers. I recommend using long screws all the way through the stack from the bottom.







R/C Vehicles