USPS Regulation Compliant Mailbox

USPS Regulation Compliant Mailbox


So the door to my mailbox out front was recently damaged due to a combination of age, weather, and a mailperson's ire. Instead of going out and buying a new one (this one still works, sure, but the door flops open often) I decided to make my own in Sketchup (I'm a madman, I know). Much research later I made this! It's unfortunately too large to print on some smaller printers, but I recently upgraded from the small 6"x6"x6" printer I'd gotten a few years ago to a Creality CR10-S, so I didn't cut the segments up into even smaller pieces, sorry. It does not come with a flag, so ~~[Britain can claim it as theirs]( you'll need to provide your own (I'll be using the one found [here](, more than likely). I tried to make it naturally watertight, which means overlapping tabs and tight tolerances. You'll probably have to sand the tabs to get them to fit together. You might also want to further weatherproof it if you live in very rainy regions. I did not position the pieces after designing them, nor have I printed it myself yet, so I'm not sure what alignment would be best. Suggestions welcome! TBH, I don't *frequent* Thingiverse, so I may be slow to respond unless you catch me browsing. I'll be happy to help however I can, though! Assembled Dimensions: H: 8 3/4", or 9 1/4" including tabs (USPS requires 6 to 15 inches) W: 8" or 9" including tabs (USPS requires 6 1/4 to 11 inches) D: 3 1/8" plus 6" for each middle segment and 1 1/4" for the door (USPS requires 8 9/16 to 22 13/16 inches) This means you must print at least 1 middle segment or at most 3 middle segments! Anything more or less would not be conforming to USPS regulations.



