Room Air Filter
The room air filter I originally had eventually started to sound like an imbalanced jet engine spinning up to speed (and to pieces). Taking it apart to see what it causing the imbalance, yield very little about the imbalance. However, it became apparent that it was really just a computer fan pulling air across an air filter. Add a circuit board to control power and you had a completed room filter. This design is based to use minimal support material and is in multiple pieces for ease of printing and to allow printing on a variety of sized machines. An Arduino uno is used to to generate a PWM single for the fans and to read a Potentiometer to control the fan speed. Two PC fans pull air and an off the shelf air filter completes the package. UPDATE: 4/30: Filter has been in use for two months now (mostly with the fans on high) and due for replacing. Uploaded a before (new) and after (used) photo. Filter used was in use for 2 solid months mostly on high for the entire time (running non stop).