18 Sticks Puzzle

18 Sticks Puzzle


I recreated my wooden 18 stick puzzle with one small enhancement. The key piece has two pegs like all the other parts but one of the pegs can slide in and out so it can lock the key in place but move from one side to the other for removal. It is a little tricky at first getting the key in place as you need to move the peg from one side to the other as you go under other pegs or over beams of the surrounding parts. It flips sides easily enough that gravity and tapping does the job and with practice it goes in place quite easily. As the peg is a really close tolerance print in place I do suggest that you use thermally calibrated filament using one of these two calibration clip sets. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1037301 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2502677 There is a test piece to test your tolerance settings before printing the entire puzzle or key piece. Files include the entire collection of 18 pieces, the key piece by itself, and the duplicated piece (x17) by itself.






