Discrete Rick Roll QR Code
A simple double color print designed to beguile those curious enough to scan the strange, small plastic code. It uses a shorted URL from Bitly to hide the code's true natures upon initially scanning it. It might also just be easier to use white filament and color the top layers using a black marker. Or you could just print the QR Code out on a piece of paper. Download includes the SVG. The model itself is pretty small (normally 35x35mm) and could use some sizing up. Make your own 3D-printed QRCode: 1. https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ (Make sure to click 'URL' on the top) 2. Convert image to SVG [see below] 3. Import SVG to Fusion. 4. Import STL into slicing software (ex: PrusaSlicer - see image) and select color layers. 5. Nice~♪ Quick Photoshop SVG conversion debriefing: -Remove white background via blend options Select transparent background with magic wand (contiguous off) -Right click and select "select inverse". -Right click and select "Make Work Path", hit okay -Go to "Layer" tab, New FIll Layer, "Solid Color...", "Okay, choose a color (probably just black), "Okay" -Go to "File" tab, "Export", "Export As...", click the top-right dropdown (that defaults to PNG) and choose SVG Hopefully that was kinda helpful --Cheers