Mobile Gaming Grip

Mobile Gaming Grip


A pair of mobile grips to make mobile gaming a bit more ergonomic. These are made to pressure fit onto a Huawei P30 but with minor scaling should fit other phones as well. The P30 is 7.6mm thick, so use that measurement when calculating the scale for your phone. Since most slicers are able to mirror objects, you should be fine with only the left model. I also added a couple of versions of the model as well. These are as follows; GripClean.stl - Clean version of the grip fitted for a Huawei P30 GripLogo.stl - Same as GripClean, but with the Call of Duty Mobile logo added GripLogo35.stl - Same as GripLogo, but with a cutout for 3.5mm audio jack. (This is for the P30) GripMixable.stl - The grip with most of the cut-outs removed. Use this if you want to remix this to fit other things. I also supplied an image to show how to properly orient the model on your buildplate.







Mobile Phone