S7ripClock - Basic Edition

S7ripClock - Basic Edition


<b>Update - 2021/07/15</b> Sketch v7 available. I also recommend having a look at the notes about electronics when building one of my things! https://www.instructables.com/ClockSketch-V7-Part-I/ -- Another redesign. Again. While the previous 7 segment clocks have been about the modules/frames primarily, I've always wanted to try a more "classic" and somewhat "completed" look. So here it is, using 2 leds per segment. So welcome to the latest iteration of "S7ripClock", a modular 7 segment clock built using led strips. The modules (2 digits) only use a single piece of led strip and can be used for other projects. Or simply build the clock as it can be seen in the pictures/video. Dimensions (without feet): 275.2mm (w) x 112.8mm (h) x 33.5mm (d) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFO4KCZwn2Q <b>Update - 2020/06/01</b> - Added draft of sketch v6 which can be compiled for nodeMCU/ESP8266. As formatting/markdown here still doesn't work, please have a look at Step 11 on Instructables for details: https://www.instructables.com/id/S7ripClock-Basic-Edition/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSWppwuDyiE <b>Update - 2020/03/14</b> - Added some more tolerances to some parts (AB_LED_Frame, Diffusers) - Added single STL (BE_Test_Parts.STL) to check fitting accuracy (have a look at "Test Parts") - Re-uploaded all files to trigger the STL preview generator on thingiverse....






