Dremel MultiPro Adapter for BG-6116 Drill Press Stand
I bought a cheap simple drill stand, BG-6116 (Φ44mm clamp) for a DREMEL MultiPro (I guess this is a pirate copy one) for drill works sometimes. Unbelievable, all the adapters in the packages have nothing works with the drill. In order to avoid this drill stand become a trash, I draw an adapter for this drill. You may also face the same problem and this stuff might be helpful. How to use this adapter? When there are very limited space between the ring and the adapter, I have to use all the possible spaces. So, you have to mount this adapter onto the drill before move them to the drill stand. Remove the nose of the drill head and you can mount the adapter like the photo shows. Then, you can mount the drill onto the BG-6116 stand and enjoy the following drill works. <b>Warning! Pay attention to the rotation stop button. The button has to be passed below the tighten screw of the hoop of the press stand.</b> <b>Press the button down to pass the adapter with drill through the screw. Then, make sure the button had been released before you turn on the drill power. Be careful!</b>