Pipe connector (1 to 6 pipes) highly customizable

Pipe connector (1 to 6 pipes) highly customizable


A revised version of a fully customizable Tee, simple or multiple connector, or stopper, with 1 to 6 pipes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do the "Quick tour" to quickly discover what the model can do. ( see QuickTour.rtf ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the CUSTOMIZER, discover the parameters: Carefully change ONE parameter at a time, and CHECK the results, maybe using the TEST parameter to look inside the model Then try your own values.If in doubt, go back (to the default values?) You can change the outer and inner diameters, the outer and inner lengths of pipes, and many angles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General rules: For a simple Tee, leave 4, 5 and 6th pipes parm to 'no' For the left and right pipe, the reference axis is indicated for the rotations. The 4th pipe will be opposite to the base pipe. The 5th and 6th pipe come together, and are perpendicular to the XY plane. The 3 pipes (4, 5 and 6) share their diameters and lengths. For 5 pipes, keep 4th pipe to "no" and use 5+6th As the pipes 4 to 6 are fixed, start with these pipes, and adjust the left and right pipes as needed. Remember that the 3 pipes (4, 5 and 6) share their diameters and lengths. The 3 first pipes are more flexible. If you need just a corner or a connector (2 pipes), play with the left and right parameters to have same position for both pipes. Setting left and right as same position as base, you get a stopper (1 pipe closed) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When changing diameter and lengths, first check consistency of values to avoid 'modern art' results, by cutting inside other parts. The parameter "common inner diameter" can also make parts disappear ! Be careful. You can view inside the part (this is done by cutting by planes). (test parameter) Rounding the borders: is optional. Show directions: indicates base, left, right and 4th directions Remember to disable test and showdir parameters before rendering ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To make a simple connector for rods (no flow between rods), put common inner dia to 0, and increase the insert lengths. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of standard parameters for general configurations. UPDATED ! See: Example-configurations.pdf in the files. It is applicable to connectors by adapting the common inner diameter value, and the insert lenghts to yur needs. The parameters for the following configurations are described: 3 rods flat 3 rods angled 4 rods flat 4 rods angled 5 rods 6 rods stopper angle straigth A blank configuration sheet is available: My-configurations.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tee.stl is just a small sample. March 4, 2020: corrected one error in pdf: 3 ords angled Left X should be 0 iso 90. Construction, … : shows the usage as building blocks (with Corner4.stl as block) TeeV5 allows a variable number of circle fragments, to fasten rendering, if adequate, or in test.





