Zauber Spardose - sorting money box
My kids needed a new money box and all "ready to print designs" I found doesn't matched our requirements or are not for €-coins, so I designed a new and unique one... The box consists of 8 different levels, one for each coin type, a bottom level for bills and the cover at the top with two slots an the names on it. When it's assembled in the right order, the box has a sorting functionality. Due to the different wholes, each coin type is collected in its level. To sort the coins you only have to make some moneynoise by shaking the whole box ;) For the easy assembly by the kids a number is printed on every level next to the value. Diameter an value are not in the same ascending order. The top an bottom levels are additionally printed with unique texts. The completely assembled box is quite big, approx. like an one liter PET-bottle with 125mm diameter. In exchange fot that, it stores a lot of coins inside, in my first test the complete filling was more then 100€. For a smart counting you can use the weight and the attached excelsheet. Just put the full and empty level on a scale and type the weights in. I printed some levels in PLA other in PETG, which makes no difference at all. If somebody want's to print it, I could share the cover without or specific names also, just message me.