squash ball feet for 2040 v-slot frame printers (e.g. Bear Prusa)

squash ball feet for 2040 v-slot frame printers (e.g. Bear Prusa)


i upgraded my prusa mk3s with a Bear frame and as the most noise by this printer is highly depending on what it stands on. i needed good dampening feet for the new frame, this is the result. the bear frame is v-slot extrusions 2040. there are already quite some options out there for feet, but i did not like any of them. the most interesting design was https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3385254 where i really liked the position of the feet and the size, but not the blocky design. so i opened blender and made a new design. you need for each foot two M5 12mm button head screws also, you need a squash ball for each foot to work



