Quacks of Quedlinburg Tokens

Quacks of Quedlinburg Tokens


These are player tokens for the boardgame Quacks of Quedlinburg. In the first edition of the game, they had weird color choices for player pieces (gold, silver, brown, yellow) which were not reflected in the boards and score tokens and caused a bit of confusion. So I decided to make a 3D printable version to make my own to be on par with the newest edition tokens. If you have the same problem or just want different/fancier player colors these are for you! There are 2 versions of the drop tokens, one 16mm like the original ones and one 18 mm. I use the small ones for the "advanced" side and the large ones to track progress in the cauldron. I did sand the top of the tokens a bit and painted them with a black permanent marker. Alternatively, you can add a filament change at 4.2mm height if you want.



