GOES Satellite Antenna Frame 1679.9MHz
8 straight pieces 4 'T' pieces 1 '+' piece many nuts and bolts, I used #8 by 3/4" nuts and bolts, as I bought a 100ct for the last antenna. This is based on the Go-Pro knuckle design and allows for the antenna to be folded up. Here are the basics on everything else that is needed to actually use the design: https://www.qsl.net/py4zbz/DCA.pdf Here are the specifications on the GOES Satellite Repeater LInk, that is Geo-synchronous in orbit: https://www.goes-r.gov/users/docs/GRB_downlink.pdf Here is the Big Brother to this design, which is used at the 137MHz range, and is compatible with the cheaper SDR's (like I currently have, as the NESDR Smart arrives Tuesday): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4189286 This should also be able to be used with many other devices, in order to make a local server with SDR functionality or to have the data collected and processed on a Raspberry PI, and made available as most recent weather data via a server with color images and not relying on the internet after creation. I will have to see which direction I end up taking this. I know that I can collect the data on most smart devices, with an OTG cable, and some have the ability to resample it with Audacity, maybe even do some of the demodulating and decoding, I haven't gotten past the capture and doing the rest in windows yet, but more challenge to come. This is generally considered an Omni-directional antenna unless you use it with a reflector. The repeater transmission frequency of the Goes Satellites is 1679.9MHz, so something like the NESdr Smart by NooElec or a better SDR is going to be needed for this project. Challenge Convention, and have FUN!