4G Remote Start Particle Boron
Enclosure for custom PCB that uses the Particle Boron to control a car remote start via the 4G cellular network. PCB gerber files and BOM are also included. Use M3 or #5 screws to attach lid to the enclosure. Secure the PCB in the enclosure with hot glue or double-sided tape to prevent movement. **This is intended to be used in conjunction with an aftermarket remote start module and is not standalone. Output wires send a GND pulse when active and can only supply 50mA.** Most aftermarket remote start modules have a "pulse to start" (or similar) wire that activates the remote start. Check the installation guide of your remote start to confirm. Many modern cars have a negative pulse lock and unlock wire that can be connected directly to this module. If your vehicle has a + pulse lock/unlock, you'll need to use the output from this module to activate a relay that sends a + pulse to the respective wires. Check [here](http://www.commandocaralarms.com/wiringsearch.asp) or [here](http://www.bulldogsecurity.com/bdnew/vehiclewiringdiagrams.aspx) for vehicle specific wiring information. [The12volt](https://www.the12volt.com/) is a good resource for vehicle wiring, relay information, etc as well. PCB Gerber files included in .zip format. These can be used to order a custom PCB from a manufacturer like [Seeed](https://www.seeedstudio.com/fusion_pcb.html). [Code for the Boron is here](https://go.particle.io/shared_apps/5e5d4127a77fd60018c6d940) and can be pushed to the Boron over the air after it's been setup. A .CSV bill of materials is also included in the attached files, part numbers are for [Digi-Key](https://www.digikey.com/ordering/shoppingcart?lang=en) and the BOM can be uploaded there. For control, I used IFTTT to create widgets for my phone and control via Google Assistant. My applets can be found [here](https://ifttt.com/p/meie1kyl).