Up to 756 Drawers Ikea Hack Electronics library
This is a project i make to get organized my tons and tons of electronics little parts. Features included: - 3 types of main frame. - 5 types of small drawer. - 3 types of medium drawer - 6 types of large drawer. - 63 Frames on Ikea Finnby. - Up to 756 drawers (using only the small size) At start i just take an design from Thingverse and i resize to be more large, but this way has a problem, when i resize a model the thickness of walls increases, and you expend a lot of material for nothing. When i finished the drawers for E24 resistor series, i think about the storage of the drawers himself, Pics of my actual resistors drawers are non optimized designs, not included on the files. Then i find "finnby bookcase", cheap and nice, but the dimensions sucks against my yet printed drawers. Like 30 bucks on Ikea. Then i decide just place old drawers on top shelves waiting to print all others drawers with new design to optimize the price of full project. And there is the result after some time, 3 types of frame. And lots of drawers, designed specially to have a wall thinness of 1.2mm, and is exactly 3 printer walls, calibrating correctly the printer you get a strong but thick wall , and a big drawer whiteout expend material. Is crucial check on your slicer to make 3 solid walls No more, no less. Ender 3 printable, Enjoy.