QFH antenna 402 MHz for GOES satellite data RHCP

QFH antenna 402 MHz for GOES satellite data RHCP


this is another antenna for the GOES satellites, as they are geo-synchronous, they can be pulled from any time, and they have two main broadcast frequencies 402Mhz, and 1690MHz. The older NOAA 15, 18, 19 satellites are scheduled for decommission this year, and will be leaving the 137MHz open to the Meteor M2 satellite but that is also being decommissioned, so there are other digital satellites in the same family as the Meteor M2 broadcasting their digital signals at 137MHz. I now have antennas at the 137, 402, and 1690 MHz bands of the spectrum. check them out, Im looking at redoing the 1690MHz, as it is much heavier than needed, in the current state. I will note that all of these are RHCP, and can easily be flipped for LHCP applications, they will also work with other broadcasts in the designed bandwidth. the 137MHz antenna is working great in my garage for FM reception, when I do not have it outside for data collection.





