No Soliciting Sign

No Soliciting Sign


Multi level text and graphic No Soliciting Sign. Print each layer with a different color to make a cool looking sign. I use this code in my Simplify 3D software to adjust the layers. ;Filament change code below. Specify layer to swap filament. Print will pause and you can change filament, click LCD button to resume print. {REPLACE "; layer" "M117 Layer"}; show layer number and Z height on LCD {REPLACE " Z = " " Z="}; make room on LCD for text {REPLACE "\nM117 Layer 4, Z=" "\nG1 X10 Y5\nM300 S1000 P1000\nM0\nM117 Layer 4, Z="}; pause at layer, move head, play sound {REPLACE "\nM117 Layer 6, Z=" "\nG1 X10 Y5\nM300 S1000 P1000\nM0\nM117 Layer 6, Z="}; pause at layer, move head, play sound ;copy above line to add additional pauses



