Ikea Trådfri remote magnet holder (Tradfri)

Ikea Trådfri remote magnet holder (Tradfri)


<b>---------------------------UPDATE 2020-03-27---------------------------------------------------------</b> Seems like the taller grip stl file was not in the right measurement before, but I've fixed that and it is now in the exact shape that it should've been all along. Enjoy! <b>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</b> Made this because I got tiered of the ones that were here on this site. My problem was that theirs were shorter then the original and had too much material between the magnet and the remote it self, which resolved in pore attachment with the magnets to the remote. The OG version is <b>exactly in the same shape and measures as the original holder</b>, but <b>I also made a taller version</b> which has a little better grip around the remote. The taller one was made for the reason that the remote doesn't fall from the holder when you accidentally touch/hit the remote. The tall one is great to have for example next to your bed. Minimum amount of material is in front of the magnets to give the strongest possible attachment for the remote. <b>Following is needed</b> for this to fully work: * 2x [magnets (neodymium) 10x2mm](https://www.clasohlson.com/uk/Neodymium-Magnets-10-pack/p/Pr311467000) * 3x pieces of [double adhesive tape (3M)](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Scotch-111-SML-Permanent-Mounting-Squares/dp/B00347A876/ref=sr_1_37?crid=2YFG6EW6K7JSS&keywords=3m+double+sided+tape&qid=1583316772&sprefix=3m+%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-37) * 1x [Ikea Trådfri remote](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/tradfri-remote-control-30443124/) <i>PS. the hole for the magnets were made so that they can fit in perfectly but also be easy to remove without having to destroy the print by simply putting the remote holder on a magnetic surface such as refrigerator or whiteboard and simply pull the remote holder towards the opposite direction from the surface.</i>






