Hopper for Nerf Atlas (rival)

Hopper for Nerf Atlas (rival)


OK, so I was lucky enough to score some Nerf Rival Atlas shooters, but this 10 shot magazine was the pits. So, since I didn't find any good options here, I had to remedy this. This hopper will hold 46 rival rounds, but I recommend keeping it down to 40, as you still need to shake down the ammo now and then. This will also lock in like the Nerf magazine, I'm marking this as a "work-in-progress" for now, as I plan on coming back to this and trying to improve the hopper itself, so the Rival rounds are less likely to bind up inside. I'm also going to reverse the direction the cap opens, it's sort of backwards right now. But don't let that stop you from making this, it's still more fun to run around with more ammo any day !!



