BulbyBox the onion shaped money-box (super fast vase mode)
# BulbyBox the onion shaped money-box ## Abstract **BulbyBox** is a pretty piggy bank shaped like a onion, pigs love onions! The only way to access the precious coins is to break the onion, like a real pig would do. ## Description **BulbyBox** must be printed (sliced) in spiralized outer contour (vase mode). In that way it can be broken when money is needed. Vase mode prints are really fast, that's why BulbyBox is fantastic. print it --> fill it --> broke it --> ONION ICE CREAM! [Here](https://youtu.be/5b_AR7Sf0JA) you can find a video of the money-box in action. *Side note for piggy thieves and onion lovers*: steal the money from BulbyBox reversing it is very hard but somewhat possible if you have plenty of time, like any other piggy banks. In fact when reversed the coins lock themselves together pushing each other and blocking the stealing mechanism. All euros and US dollars coins will fit, one box to rule them all! Scale it up for a bigger model but take in account than also the coin holes will scale with the rest of the model. ## Nerdy things you should know To achieve more robustness of the designs you can increase the line width of the extruded plastic **BUT** that parameter will change the holes dimensions (higher line widht --> smaller holes). **SO** I did the math for you and you can find attached 3 designs for 3 different line widths: 0.4mm (the good), 0.6 (the bad) and 0.8 (the ugly). Here you can find a summarizing table of adopted parameters and printer quality: |Nozzle diameter|Extrusion width|Effective Line Width|Layer height|Print Speed| Print Robustness| Print Quality| |---------|--------|---------|--------|------| -------|------| |0.4mm|~100%|0.4mm|0.2mm|Somewhat slow (2-3h with Ender3)|Easy to break whan needed| Polished| |0.4mm|~150%|0.6mm|0.3mm|Faster|More robust| A bit layered but nice| |0.6mm|~100%|0.6|0.3|-| -| |0.4mm|~200%|0.8mm|0.4mm|Very very fast (45min with Artillery Sidewinder|Very robust (water tight)| A very nice layered effect| |0.8mm|~100%|0.8|0.4|-| -| *Side note for the saver-pigs and the spendthrift-pigs*: Scale it up for a bigger model but take in account than also that the coin holes will scale with the rest of the model: - If you scale the design UP the steal lock mechanism will be less efficient but you will have more space - If you scale the design DOWN the bigger coins may not fit anymore. You may end up in a piggy bank for cents **Don't hesitate to contact me for any request**: here in thingiverse comments, thinghiverse mail or */myusername/*@gmail.com Print it and share your results. It's easy! Click "post a make" or download [3D Geeks: for 3D Printing APP](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=work.twob.threed) and take a pic! I'll be happy to know that my design was helpful to someone.