Prinz Eugen v0.6w WIP

Prinz Eugen v0.6w WIP


DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT CREATE THIS MODEL. THE TALENTED ARTISTS AT IDEA FACTORY, COMPILE HEART AND FELISTELLA DID. I TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT FOR THIS WORK. PROPERTY OF IDEA FACTORY INTERNATIONAL. USED WITHOUT PERMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source: Azur Lane Crosswave i almost abandoned this model but re-skewed her once again at an additional 1.028 1.000 1.028 which fixed the original problem. this model was punishing... specifically the hair, which took two or three days to complete. then the arsenal (kansen) was incredibly detailed which took me another 2 days. i don't expect anyone to print this since its absolutely ridiculous, but maybe in the distant future someone will give it a shot. after doing 3xSS on half the objects on the list, blender started chugging and my PC started showing its age. the complete STL was just under 400MB at 3xSS... obviously not included. what i did include is a 2xSS w/o any ships. it still needs a lot of work which i'll go over below. *************************************************************** - body needs more edge dissolving and clean-up - hair is both creased and smooth for now, that needs to be resolved - boots need attention around the trim - face needs edge loops resolved - eyes are temporary - edge creasing around the dress - re-topologize the side of the exposed breast - shrink the mouth cavity just a bit - hands need slightly fewer triangles between fingers - the 'snake' links don't look right w/ sub-surf. i left the originals in there too - connectivity between discrete objects on the ship parts i added a slightly thicker rear skirt flap for FDM printers (bottom of the list in the zz section). ultimately the eyes are what i have to figure out for all 3 azur lane models. i could've completed half of my unfinished models in the time it took do this one.... but i love a good challenge and am a glutton for punishment. tris-to-quads worked on some of the simpler objects once i got the skew dialed in, but that only saved me maybe 10% time. the posted 2xSS STL is non-manifold and should be printable, but i don't recommend it for now. the full STL suffers from 'highly connected edges'... 26 of them to be exact. this is probably a result of non-SS objects and the mm scale i use in blender. most slicing programs should be able to fix that for you. if you want to SS it yourself, skip over the objects that end in "no-SS" otherwise you'll create a big ball out of them. as always, your feedback is always appreciated. this is probably the last azur lane model i'll work on before moving to DOAXVV. i just couldn't leave it alone after i fixed the skew, and then wound up wasting a ton of time on it.






