Ender 3, Reversed Motherboard fan cover
I designed a motherboard fan cover for Ender 3, but reversed from normal so that it shoots out the back of the printer in order to help quiet the noise of the mobo fan. It's also a little thicker with a wider base to prevent air leakage and noise transmission. This is taller than most other fan covers, which helps air flow being that it is shooting out the back and under the bed. It is 16.8mm tall, so make sure it clears your bed leveling screw posts. This cleared my Creality glass bed with yellow springs. Maybe just scale it shorter if you need to. I've tested this with a SKR Mini E3 1.2 motherboard for several multiple hour long prints. I stuck a thermocouple in the motherboard compartment during the print jobs. Stock, no fan cover: 84-90F Forward facing fan cover: 80-85F Reverse facing fan cover: 80-85F Also included a guide to remember which way to turn the bed leveling knobs. Painted with a Matte white Sharpie paint marker. Or you can filament color swap if you are more ambitious. .