Sandmann E512 harvester TV edition

Sandmann E512 harvester TV edition


FUCK FUCK. Thingiverse! Now less functional, even more impractical to use. Even the reoload after editing does not work properly. Blotaed up with unwanted stuff. The design fits tiny 3.5 inch devices now? Hey , what computers are designers working on, is it Micki Mouse stuff? I want exploiting the real screen estate on a not so tiny smal 21 inch screen. Even slower than all the month before. Laggy all the time, no fun. Stupidly flat Windoze type design language. NO, no. They can not meet the minimum requirements. An action button should be distiguishably be separated from the content. The edit "button" with no border frame belongs NOT as an overlay over a picture. What bout a traditional menu bare, heh? It worked much better. Now not only forced waiting for the servers all the time,greeted with the spinning wheel. Hah ha. No more Thingiview galery. ... SO UGLY. Krank up the servers instead of messing with the design. REVERT to the previous design. Update: Picture: the train, harvester with the trailer attached It needs still some tuning, the covers and a full size cabine. But, man. it was a long way to come to this point. New parts: -simplyfied trailer parts based on a rectangular bar instead of a circular rod - bar combined with supports and lug (bar length:224mm) - toolbox for rectangular bar -small parts for making the trailer assembly (see the 5x part numbers) It utilizes a circular round rod (diameter 6mm) The wheels on the trailer are the same as on the rear of the harvester/combine. ZIP-archive with pictures of the reel trailer Latest new parts: -beveled drivers roof (hollowed) -simple drivers roof (hollowed) -simple drivers roof (solid) -rear wheels with the red rims. -big wheels with the red rims. -front wheel rim 40/50mm -front tires for wheel rim 40/50mm . Pictures: The harvester with the red rims on all wheels now. The Sandmann E512 harvester/combine with the reel mounted on. Manufacturers logo (even after days not properly renderd by Thingiverse) . New parts. The reel (rotary cutter tool) rods (diameter 3mm) holder plates: -intermediate (take 2 pieces) -endplate through the hole (take 2 pieces) or -endplate cap (take 2 pieces) Choose from the endplates, depending on the end tips of the rods you have. I have used sticks from Mikado game, with peak tips. Have cut off a bit from the tips. If you have flat ends you could push them trough the holes. For mechanical strength with no glue I have used both plate types,stacked in series. . Picture: The harvester with the reel holder On the real thing attached before the opening of the feeder. More information: New parts: smaller tail lights parts (for those how find the 12mm diameter lights looking clunky) -tail light bar with lights 8mm -tail light bar flat 7.5mm (easier fit in the channel) -tail light cap 8x7mm -tail light bar with lights 12mm -tail light bar flat 8mm -tail light cap 12x7mm -front axle 82mm for big wheels -rear axle 55x21x8mm for wheels 31-34mm -mirrored big wheel -simplified feeder V1-3 -base part 3 (with hollowed structur) inside for easier printing Take care when generating the needed supports. Do not waste time and filament by printing support inside of the part. A group of 4 mount holes has shifted to unwanted position. Not a big deal. The holes on the base1 part make the pilot holes for drilling something new. . Do not look close up at the printed parts. Printed out at low speed of no more than 50mm/second it should look much better. Made on the new printer (Sovol 01), see below. While waiting for the next part I made this: My HONESTLY made review of the Sovol 01 -- First: It makes me no surprise , it is the usual Chineese made crap. It needs still many fixes and much tweaking. It was advertised as ready to use. WRONG! . Thanks to the frame parts made from aluminium extrusion and compared with many other (cheaper sold) things it is relatively well build. But it has still many flaws and it is loud as hell. Some things are badly designed and made. . Had to adjust the rollers and the belt tension. No big problem. But it could have been easier. The excentric nuts are located on the UNDERSIDE of the x-axis assembly. Have they ever build this thing in real live? Silly. . The jerk setting in my new printers firmware are garbage. The big glas bed has sagging in the middle by at least 0.2mm. BAD Micro-SD-card-slo, USB on the front directly located behind the extrusion bar. BAD Micro-SD card , very fiddly, unreliable spring loaded mechanics. BAD No air inlet for the internal fans. covered by the bottom plate. BAD Have made holes underneeth the fan intakes. Should held sucking fresh air. But it requieres the owner to do heavy metal work. All the fans are extremely loud. Some are running at full speed permanently when activated. The fan on the PSU runs all the time even if has no load. BAD The internal radial fan next to the board is loud. BAD Replace it with a quiet fan ASAP. The movement of the steppers makes MUCH noise. BAD It could be done much better. Same thing on the big Creality printers, the tall z-extrusions can make much vibrations, at least when bringing up the x-bar at hight and when the filament spool sits on top of the bar. Some rods in the back needed to make it less wobbly. BAD See this thing. Next, the z-endstop mount - bad. Had it much better on the wanhao when I put on a digital caliper to adjust the z-endstop on demand at level of various things i have printed on top. Sure there is a z-offset in the the firmware. They have messed up the firmware. It is not documented, hard to understand how to do. Man, it is Marlin, but it can not handle the filament disruption. When pausing a print job, should it keep the temperatures? It does not. BAD Even a simple planned filament change requires manually heating up the hot end beforehand. BAD When pausing a print job it disengages the steppers. Shit. BAD Had it much better on an old printer I could move the head at will when paused, it counted the steps I ordered it to go and brought back the head to the position when I had finished changing the filament manually. Smooth idlers instead of toothed. BAD The part cooling fan shroud. BAD. When printing the first layers of a part with no cooling fan on the first layer it came off of the radial cooling fan lip. Still held by the screw on the right side but scratching the print. I was sitting next to the thing an disrupted the mess quickly. Have printed a replacement from PETG and this thing lasts still. The sheet metal they have made the fan assembly on the print head is thin as hair. BAD Even the cheap Wanhao i3 had solid metal inserts to hold the screws tightly. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN the screws. The cable going to the print head assembly falls down, it should be held upward allways above the x-axis. BAD Fixed with rubberband. It drags the cable, is flexible enough, prevents it from falling down. The filament runout sensor (simple mechanical switch) does not allow feeding in the filament easily. BAD They have put a special video on YT showing how it is build, but it does not help either. Summary: -- (I have still not covered fixing a clogged hotend. The next big mess.) All in all it is: BAD, BAD, BAD It has many bad construction details. Some parts are made from wrong material. Instead of printing some parts they could take metal or injection molded hard plastics, the bakelite style. This lasts for ever, allmost. . Made by dumb Idiots. They do no better than all the other bastards on Tiertime Wanhao and alike. No guys , go back to the drawing board. . Many reviewers on YT have praised the Sovol printer. Fuck, do not trust them, even if they say they have not been payed for making a review. . . The making of the thing goes on. But you know. The layers make the steps/stages. Had set the top and bottom layers to 3 each. This should allow some smoothing by sanding down the stairs. Or doing the pant job with the filler and sanding repeatedly many times. -New part: base part(1-2) combined with head lights It merges base part 1 and 2 into one, it has much material cut off, less printing needed Hope the side walls will prevent bowing of the plate. Nevertheless it takes a long time to print it out. . -Have printed base1 V1-2 part relatively ok, except from layer shift caused by wrong filament change midways, it has shown a little bowing after taking it from the bed. . -New part: Base part1 V1-3, it has doubled the thickness (10mm, with headlights) . Attention please: the biggest part x*y direction size is 215x81mm. This might not fit smaller printers work area dimensions. . slightly dimensionally changed V1-2 parts with mount holes added Base1 Base2 Base3 with groove for tail lights bar Kornbunker Dreschkasten This is the upcoming E512 harvester/combine, the Sandmann TV edition. For the original white/blue color schema see the pictures of the operational machine. Many can be seen in action on YouTube. Just search for E512. By start making the printed parts this is the begin of a temporarily made and hopefully frequently updated worklog. Will be cleaned up when finished. See the other things I have designed and made. It has the growing fleet of mobiles I have made. Given the little Sandmann, the GdR made TV hero , lovely alltime favorit of children since 60 years. This is in early stage. This time I could accept a bit of glueing when needed. As with most of my mobiles, small juntions will be made by using 2mm diameter tooth picks. See the drivers work place. The part without the seat, no integrated wheel guide, no integrated control box has a few small holes. Same with the corresponding parts. The feeder and the cutter holder assembly have those pins as well. Those pins are used on the mount of the rotary cutter as well. But to make it safe a screw of 3mm diameter will be applied as well. The design follows the original "E512 Vollerntemaschine" (harvester/combine). Made by the company "Fortschritt" located in Saxonia / GdR starting 1968. Same as the ZT-300 tractor and the W50 truck the trusty workhorse of the GdR farmers. Many are still in service, now in the eastern regions of the BUNDESREPUBLIK. Exported to many countries all over the world. Some farmers and fans not only use them for harvesting but having much fun on meetings. The picture has the E512 whipped by crazy Czech farmers/fans on an annualy held meeting. Guess what, the cars and tools made in the GdR do not need expansive crippled fucking proprietary copyrighted spare parts protected by IP claims. (John Deer and alike). It just needs a few very simple tools and oil, to keep it alive by maintaining it on a regular base. After many years in service some sealing rings should be exchanged. That's it. Many farmers operate those machines till today at very low operational costs. . Since size limitation on the display in my living room the proportions need to be squezed, as they did on the TV edition. Making it fully 1/25 scale would occupy much space. Some changes will be made as needed. Some parts do exist in two configurations. Take a preview tool before printing. The rotary cutter thing will be changed, made from steel spokes or shop sticks or similar. A trailer for transporting the rotary cutter on the roads could be made. The compartments behind the drivers seat used for storing the harvested fruits and the engine have covers. Will design them at very last parts when everything fits. The cabine could be omitted. If I make it from acrylic plates it should have separated windows inserts or at least some cut outs and a sliding door. The first model gave the driver the open sky. Following models had a roof or cabine. Later the cabine became standard instead of being an option.






