March of the Ants - all expansions organizer

March of the Ants - all expansions organizer


With the release of Empires of the Earth, I wanted to get an organizer together to make it easy to play. There wasn't a lot of room in the box but I've made it work. It's not elegant, but it is functional. Print List: 6 x player-token 2 x card-box 1 x hex box 1 x misc tokens 5 of the player-token boxes will be the player pieces. This was designed to fit the meeples but the cubes will work even better. The last box can fit the foot tokens (from the base) and the aphids (from Minions of the Meadow). Divide up the cards in the card box however you want. I don't have any sleeves on hand so most likely I'll need to open up the card boxes a bit and shift things around to make sleeves work. Hopefully soon. The hex box should be self explanatory and will fit all the hexes with room to spare. in a later revision I may reduce the size to just fit the tiles and then add another tray. Everything else goes into the misc large tray. It should fit the centipede and worm tokens plus all the big meeples from the kickstarter. If you have all the meeples, including the mega-centipede, you'll need to put them on top of the cards or the hexes. Photos of a make coming soon Edit: 2020/3/7 Increased the space inside the card box. Edit: 2020/3/9 Reduced the walls on the token and player boxes. This should reduce a lot of need for filament and reduce the weight.



