Futurama Tombstone

Futurama Tombstone


Futurama themed Tombstone. "Death by snu snu" The edge profile is modeled after the coffin fry gets launched into space in during "The Sting" episode. The overall coffin shape is seen many times in futurama. The rocket is obviously looks like the planet express logo but it uses the rocket style seen as the tombstone in "Luck of the Fryish", and the squigles above the text is also found there. Chains and cuffs are from "Amazon in the Mood" as well as the text. Probably want to have settings fit for many retractions as most of the detail of the model happen in the same few layers and require lots of retractions. the rocket is rounded but if you print with a layer height too tall it might not look very rounded. And i suggest enabling "Print thin walls" if you actually want the details of the squiggle and the rocket con trails.






