CoS Mad Mage (aka Mordenkainen)

CoS Mad Mage (aka Mordenkainen)


The Mad Mage from Curse of Strahd..aka Mordenkainen. I made him with the staff he is most often pictured with (which he doesn't have in CoS) AND with just a simple staff. PATREON!...Nope do NOT have one, Will NOT have one. I make models that I like to make and share them for ALL! No special models for those who promise to pay me 1...5...or 10 bucks a month. Nope I always will give these away to everyone for no commitment. Now that being said..If you like what you have downloaded, feel free to TIP me! I am a 100% disabled veteran who has been roleplaying RPGs since 1982 with the same core group of friends. All 3 of us Marines!



