Babyhawk-R Runcam Split Mod

Babyhawk-R Runcam Split Mod


#BABYHAWK-R - RUNCAM SPLIT MOD ###**WITH SNAP-ON LED STRIP HOLDER** For Runcam Split 2 Mini / 3 Micro (single board version, 19x19mm lens), available here: This thing allows you to install a Runcam Split to your Babyhawk-R, plus additional LED strip ( Eachine Aurora strip fits perfectly: ). There are two antenna tubes at the rear to place your diversity antennas. It's a lightweight design but it's pretty solid when printed with ABS and Acetone smoothing. You should keep in mind, however, that the purpose of this frame is not to fly hardcore stunts but to do smooth video recordings with your Runcam Split. Place the Runcam board at the very bottom and stack the other boards above it. The optional LED clip can be attached to the rear pillars of the canopy (it's a snap-on design) if you want to use a LED strip as well. It can be easily attached / detached then without the need to disassemble the canopy again. ###**UPDATE** Added another canopy version (V2) that allows a higher camera position. ###**NOTE** The model prints fine using Cura but it's currently not optimized so other slicers might complain. I'll clean up / optimize the model as soon as I find the time to do so. Happy flying!







R/C Vehicles