12th Scale NASA Tournament Lab Venus Rover

12th Scale NASA Tournament Lab Venus Rover


12th scale model of the Venus Rover defined in the NASA Tournament Lab challenge Exploring Hell: Avoiding Obstacles on a Clockwork Rover. https://www.herox.com/VenusRover The 12th scale was chosen for easy integration of cheap 608 skate bearings. My hope is that this model may be used in some way to help with challenge participants designs. M8 x 35 mm bolts were used since they fit the 608 bearings perfectly. Additionally you will need an M8 washer and bolt to mount each wheel. M8 bolts are overkill so you may want to model and print a sleeve to allow smaller bolts. A pivot hole as been included in all of the rover models for integration of either a model of the fan that will be present on the rover or inclusion of a spherical keepout zone. Fair warning. I have not printed the spherical keep out zone shell. I'm looking at other 18 cm balls or other spherical objects. I printed the wheels with the bearing hole upward to minimize supports. The rover body was printed on its side.






