BRIO compatible train toy ferry - MS Adelby
This toy ferry was designed by Tim Meyer-König who is a regular visitor of our FabLab. He made this toy for his children, so they can properly transport their wooden BRIO trains. See the appendix "thing files" of this post for a very detailed construction report "MS Adelby v3.pdf" from Tim with all relevant informations. Thickness of the used board is 3mm. He also made a very detailed post under his private account on thingiverse. Have a look Diese Spielzeugfähre wurde von Tim Meyer-König, ein regelmäßiger Besucher unserer FabLabs, designed. Er hat die Fähre für seine Kinder gebaut, damit sie ihre BRIO Holzzüge transportieren können. Im Anhang "thing files" zu diesem Post befindet sich ein sehr detaillierter und umfangreicher Konstruktionsplan von Tim: "MS Adelby v3.pdf". Dicke der verwendeten Platte ist 3mm. Er hat auch einen eigenen Post hier bei thingiverse unter seinem privaten Account gemacht, den es zu beachten gilt: Some words from Tim: "If you build this model, I would really appreciate a picture of the finished ferry and some feedback on how to improve it. The dxf files are provided together with these instructions and the possibilities are endless. The challenge of the design was to find a balance between details and the robustness needed, when young children play with it."