Sky Bullet tiny rocket for C motors

Sky Bullet tiny rocket for C motors


This blazing fast and easy-to-print rocket prints in less than 2 hours (depending on your settings) and has an STL with supports (print nose-down) and one without (print however you want). It's only slightly larger than a C-size Estes motor. If you launch one, please send me a photo! Step 1: Print the rocket Step 2: Insert motor (put masking tape around the base for tighter fit) Step 3: Launch!!! If you use rocket motors with 2 numbers (like the C6-5 in the photo), the motor will pop out after it burns out instead of opening a parachute. Be safe and have fun out there! Note: this model was optimized for 0.4mm nozzles. Most surfaces are twice that thick (0.8mm). DISCLAIMER: Use this model at your own risk! I offer no guarantee that it will fly in a safe or expected direction, or that the rocket parts will return to earth in a safe manner, or any other kind of guarantee. I have flown it once, and it did go in an upward direction but this doesn't mean it will do so for you. Please exercise extreme caution if you choose to fly one yourself, and don't fly it around people, creatures, structures, or anything else that you don't want damaged.






