The Dynamite Lamp

The Dynamite Lamp


Update 18th of March 2020: new TEST SET with 2 stripe LED holders Update 17th of March 2020: added a TEST SET; print critical parts as examples Update 17th of March 2020: added an English description Update 17th of March 2020: - modified German description (Power-Box) - Power-Box and -Cover V2.STL (better fit) A lamp with 64 warm-white LED inside the 6 outer tubes. All printed parts made from PLA. A complete description is available in GERMAN. An ENGLISH translation will follow in the next 2 weeks. Some parts can be printed with different options since all parts shall fit together without glue or screws. (28.2 or 28.3 means the inner diameter of the tubes; I used the 28.2 but 28.3 is maybe the better choice; check with a short tube example and a printed plug. Read the description at first to select the parts you want to use! This is not a beginner project but all parts are easy to print if your printer is well adjusted. Only the tubes can be a little challenge. So use moderate speed and a lot of BRIM. Printtime for all parts is +/- 50h for me but depending on your machine and settings. So this is just a numer to give you an idea. I used a Artillery Sidewinder x1 and a Monoprice Select Mini V2, both with moderate settings!






