FrSky Horus addons - LRS, stand...

FrSky Horus addons - LRS, stand...


This is continued series about FrSky Horus - first one is fixed handle (located here: ) It's not good idea to run high-power LRS from behind transmitter, then hold it vertically, or use pigtails for antenna, shielding internals and so on. I just moved LRS outside, making unified handle (so LRS can be dismounted and put on retransmitter for example or swapping between different systems easily). Best thing - Horus is sort of "back-heavy" by design so putting lightweight LRS in front actually balances it around handle. What you need: X10S_qlrs_mount.STL - rotatable part around handle, used to mount TX (i also included "X10S_qlrs_mount_v2" - thicker part - but not needed in my setup as this increases total TX thickness by ~1mm - but may be usefull if you have really heavy TX, or want to have some protection for rovaflex cable). If you want stand - print 2x "X10S_stand.STL", join with standoff. I also included JR module bay cover, remixed from - my cover has space for angled pins. Internally just route entire connector to straight 0.1" pins (common, used in probably all FC's and so on) and put some glue so they will hold in place. Before gluing put connector on pins and push them deeper. I tested with crossfire, QLRS and OLRS hawkeye - all work fine and no shielding on TX required (try with OLRS@1W close to JR bay - you will still get buzzing sound in the same way taranis did). Now if you use QLRS i included two boxes - small (just LED, button and 1W module with heatsink) and bigger ( and ) - to fit arduino here you need to cut sides to mid-hole; OLED module fits perfectly, just small piece of thick tape required to hold it in place. I also included two photos of protection case - it's not printed, but maybe will be usefull. Done in ~1 hour or so using knife and dremel from LDPE foam (aka packaging foam - i'm sure everyone has or had a lot of it). Just cut TX outline, cut some holes where controlling components reside, heat (using heat gun or just fire) a bit places where you cut with dremel (so it will shrink a bit and become smooth and strong), put some tape/soft glue/rubber paint and it will become super-strong, but at the same time very light and compact protector. Takes very little additional space compared to original box but protects sticks and switches much better.







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