BB LPL Style Disc Detainer Pick

BB LPL Style Disc Detainer Pick


Here are my first attempts at producing a disc detainer pick as close to the Bosnian Bill and Lock Picking Lawyer pick as I could. As you can see by the last photograph there has been a lot of trial and error but it fits real nice now and everything functions fine. About halfway through this build I realized that this wasn't going to work the way i wanted it to, I was after one tool that i could fit up a number of ways, basically so i could have 5 or six of them all fully fitted up and working without the need for changing. Basically this design created by BB and LPL is the front tensioning type... Just like the cheap Chinese import tool you can see in the Trials picture, it is basically a replacement for that. I included so many options on this build that it will tension from the top and bottom and therefore be able to pick the same amount of locks as the Silver bullet... But, why would you want that style of end on a bottom tensioning tool? You would be picking the discs with the end with two bolts coming out of it... I just didn't like that idea. It became clear to me that Huxleypig (Matt Smith) really thought it through when he created the Silver bullet... Kudos Man ;) So I'm already working on a new style with round parts knurled top and bottom... you can see an early prototype of it in the last picture, its right at the front... I will release that after a little more testing. None of this would have happened if i hadn't made zbzzn's (Boris's) version of the silver bullet and a version of the BB and LPL versions as shown in the Lock Noob Video, and his ingenious method for captivating nuts so we can clamp in the tooling, again, Kudos to you again man. Anyway, it works and its well worth releasing so here it is :) Please note that it will require extra materials to make it work 6mm Head 2mm shaft extractor pins you can get those on Amazon 3mm od 2mm id stainless capillary tube 6mm OD 4mm ID Stainless Tube and 6mm Solid and a few stainless steel washers for the manipulator heads. The securing nuts and bolts are all 4mm. That should be able to do everything to my knowledge top and bottom tensioning... Please see more detailed instruction in the zip file. Additional Note: I would suggest 4 walls in and out on the models Have fun







Hand Tools