TWOTrees Sapphire S Direct Extruder Carriage For BMG and E3D V6 Hot End and Drag Chain
Description Warning - Compare the models side by side in Cura to see the differences in between the chain ends and the chain links sizes because the model includes The original size chain and the increased width chain as well as the extruder carriages - with respectively attached chain ends SO INSPECT VISUALLY the Models Before Printing. Some File may need repairing in Idemaker 3.4.2 or better Slicer Seems to do a pretty good job with Non Manifold Meshes OK this is quite a bit of a pain - and it requires screws nuts and bolts which I already have on-hand. So you may need to buy a kit - however you also need to buy one extra long m3 screw I think 40 mm - check for the details. I also slimmed the base onto which the stepper connects to the BMG because the screws that came with the BMG did not reach too well. I Adapted 3 Things To upgrade My TwoTRees Sapphire S to a direct extruder with a BMG and E3d Hot End. You will need to use a drill to connect the chain end on the frame Attachment - that was to save myself a headache from removing supports. That frame attachment is the most difficult to install the underlink that screws in is a pain to fit. I modified so it does not need supports and added a lip to stick better on the top plate. ALso attached a place for a PC 10 Pneumatic Foster fitting so you can attach a bowden tube that goes towards the BMG extruder so the filament travels fluidly to the direct extruder. I enlarged the chain width and I am glad I did it was easier to feed the wires. But the chain gets a bit heavy and sags a bit. Make sure you use 100% flow or more if you can to make the chain and the couplings more rigid. I also used a drill to use one of exiting nozzle cooling fans rather than buying new fans. If you want to use the fans - download the original extruder carriage and 3d print the 5015 fan attachment and the bracket.